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Concrete Porch


Tell the viewer what you do and who you serve.  This page allows for the most flexibility and freedom, because it is—as the title would suggest—about you and your business. Even still, keep it relevant and don’t neglect key information like location served. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui.

Website Template for Interior Designers _ IDCO Studio3.JPG

Give information about the style of work you create, your direction/inspiration, and the scale of the project. Magnatem aut qui nus moloruptio blande renis quiaepe resendios.


Every brand has a “why” and this is where to share it. This page can handle a heavy dose of storytelling, but don’t forget that you’re speaking to a potential client. Only include information that is useful to and will resonate with your target audience. Share things about yourself and your business that you think they will relate to and remember. 

This is where you can go more in-depth about you as a designer. It can stay formal or be more personal. Talk about your background, your passions, and what drives your creativity. Give potential clients a real sense of your dedication to your craft and the kind of person they will be partnering with. 

Mature Man with Glasses
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